Instant Manifestation

Is Instant manifestation Possible?

There are a few straightforward questions when it comes to instant manifestation; Is it even possible? If so, how does one instantly manifest? Let me break the ice, instant manifestation is very possible. In fact you are doing it right now. Your eyes are looking at these words and your brain is computing them so that it is understandable. That my friendsis instant manifestation.

What most people think of, when they hear instant manifestation, is large or grand things being able to manifest in the blink of an eye. Such as; the abundant life, the lover, the health, the location, etc. To the Universe those things take the same amount of effort as you understanding these words. With that said, it is possible to instantly manifest anything you desire. The catch is that you must believe.

The amount of time it takes you to get from where you are to where you want to be, is only the amount of time it takes you to change the vibration within you. Instant manifestation could be yours if you would instantly change your vibration.
– Abraham Hicks

Ask yourself “What would I like to instantly manifest right now?” It can be anything. The larger part of you knows it is done. What does that mean? It means that your true essence, everyone’s true essence, knows not the separation of the physical world and the unseen world. So it doesn’t matter whether you’re thinking it or physically doing it – all of your desires have been granted to you and they’re just waiting on you. You must align vibrationally to that reality.

Instant Manifestation Happens All The Time

The time delay you experience is only in your mind. As stated above, the Universe uses the same amount of effort to bring you what ever it is you wish – whether it’s a piece of bread or becoming the owner of an international bakery. The only reason most would receive the bread instead of the successful bakery, is because they believe the bakery is harder and more difficult to manifest. Do you think that a bakery would ever manifest based on that belief that it’s hard? Absolutely not.

Free your mind and see everything as equal. That is how you can instantly manifest anything. Is it easy to become an enlightened being? It’s as easy as you believe it to be. All the limits exist in your mind – not out there in the external – and certainly not to the Universe. So, you can see now that anything you want will come to you based on your belief and vibrational alignment. The time it takes to manifest is up to you.


Josh Adamous

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