Happy Is My Soul

Family Time Is Happy Time

I’ve been spending quite a bit of time with my family lately. Theres nothing better than tuning out the world and tuning into love. By that I mean relaxing, laughing, and having a great time with some great people. The world will still be there when we get back, but we all deserve some R&R.

Responsibilities are good to have, but don’t let anything like that steal your joy. If you’re not happy, then whats the point? Really ask yourself that question. If you’re not happy, then whats the point? Don’t you want to feel good about the responsibilities you have? Isn’t it a great feeling when you know that what you’re doing is bringing value into the world – benefiting yourself, the ones you love, and the world at large? And how do you truly benefit others? By shining your light! By being happy and joyous!

I see it all the time. People often say, “If I don’t get this ______ done soon, I might loose my job,” while at the same time ignoring their kids and loved ones. Neglecting those that truly matter – the ones that love you with or without your job or your status. You have a choice. Be here now or be there later… Which one feels better? Now or Later? Love or Fear? The answer is pretty obvious, yet so overlooked in the moment when it counts.

You Have The Right To Be Happy

Relax. Take some time off. You’ve heard the saying, “Stop and smell the roses” right? Well, do that! Play with your pet or someone else’s pet. You deserve to give nice things to yourself. Actually it’s beyond deserving – It’s your birth right! You have the right to be happy! Did you get that? You have the right to be happy at all moments of your life. Who decides that but you? No one! It’s all your choice, so stop using excuses of any kind and allowing anything to get in the way of your happiness. Choose being here now, not later, for those you love. Choose to be happy. Choose love. Stop living your life based on fear. Go for the happy feeling right now, because it will create more for you to be happy about. Feel good and spend dear time with those who love you, those who look up to you, those who count on you. Just as much as you want others to be happy, you deserve it too – and you can’t give them what you don’t have.

“Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.” – Guillaume Apollinaire


Merry Christmas,

Josh Adamous

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